
Insecure Writer's Support Group: My Brain Is A Jerk

November 1st question: November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not? I tried once and my brain thought it would be utterly hilarious to not write a single word to spite NaNo. True story. My brain is a dick. I feel the uncertainty of the future again. Lately, hubby and I have been discussing houses. By the time this goes out, we’ll have looked at least one, and I went through the process with our bank to pre-approved a loan. We’re both terrified because houses aren’t cheap. But our apartment is getting a little too small for us. Hubby’s job as a software developer pays well, so we’re both confident we can buy a house on his income. Still, I don’t want that burden to solely fall on him. We’re a team, after all. A job with more hours than my crossing job might be in my future. What does that mean for my writing? That’s the million dollar question. I know writers who carved out bits of writing here and there. I know someone who wrote their book in 1

Insecure Writer's Support Group: AI versus Writers

October 4th question: The topic of AI writing has been heavily debated across the world. According to various sources, generative AI will assist writers, not replace them. What are your thoughts? Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash Like everyone else on the internet, I have thoughts on AI. I won’t get into my thoughts of AI art because, as an artist, I might get ranty. Overall, AI is a tool. It can be used to make your life easier. The main problem is how have the AI tools been trained? A lot of the training seems to be done on stuff people did not consent to be used and without compensation. That is just not cool. As I said, I have strong thoughts on AI “art” but I don’t begrudge people who want to make cool pictures with it. People should be able to do that. But the creators of these AI tools should be seeking permission and compensating the people whose stuff is being used to train. ESPECIALLY if those AI tool creators are going to make money of their tool. If what you do is worth ma

Insecure Writer's Support Group: The Waves of Grief Are Shrinking

September 6th question: When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you? I want to say I discovered the IWSG a year after it was created. I’m fairly certain I wasn’t there from the very start, but pretty damn close. I love this group. You’ve lifted me up and helped me through my insecurities so many times. You’ve come out in droves to help me spread the word about my books. Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash You seriously rock. I am utterly grateful to Alex for creating it, and I am happy it is still going strong 12 years later. My last few posts for IWSG have been about the turmoil in my life due to my father-in-law’s unexpected death. We’re at the 6 month mark since it happened . I’m still not sure if I trust the rest of 2023, but moments of normalcy are creeping in. I had MIParaCon at the end of August. What a breath of fresh air. The event went amazing. It felt so good to be there and have life feel normal once again. I was exhausted afterward, but I a

Insecure Writer's Support Group: I got my eye on you, 2023

August 2 question: Have you ever written something that afterward you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it? I can’t recall anything. There have been things I’ve written, and afterward, someone brought up a point that made me worry about how others would react to it. I didn’t change it, though. We are now past July. Over halfway through 2023. I’m not sure how that happened. Things have been a little blurry since my father-in-law passed. Hubby and I survived the heat and humidity of Mississippi and are back in cool Michigan. I’m optimistic for the rest of the year, but the stress of my father-in-law’s death is hovering around, throwing rocks at our heads. from Imgflip Meme Generator   At least, the rocks are smaller. Little pebbles that sting, but they’re getting less disruptive.Last week, I applied for a part-time job at the high school. I’m hoping to be a lunch lady! You may be asking what happened to the Salvation Army job. It wasn’t

Insecure Writer's Support Group: Dreaming of Stories

The July 5th question of the month is: 99% of my story ideas come from dreams. Where do yours predominantly come from? Mine tend to come from all over. Some of them have been from dreams. Others have come from books. Some I can’t even remember how I got the idea. Usually, if something can make me ask, “What if?” then a story might start brewing in my head. I’m currently melting from the insane humidity in Mississippi. We went down again for my father-in-law’s birthday. He would have been 70 if not for cancer. Thank you to everyone for wishing my uncle well after his heart attack. He’s doing well, but is grouchy that he had to give up certain foods and cigars, and that he missed the Indy 500 this year. At least from what it looks like from here, he will have many more to come if he behaves with his health. I’m going to leave it short this month. 2023 is still sus in my opinion, but June wasn’t a bad month. I worked on editing and beta reading for Christine Rains . My fingers are crossed

Insecure Writer's Support Group: I would like a break

Dear 2023, Man, you’ve been…something. Between the deaths in my family and the ridiculous amount of travel, I honestly would rather deal with 2020. At least, then we got to stay home. Seriously, we were down in Mississippi from February 22nd through April 15th. The next weekend, we traveled for my grandma’s memorial. The weekend after that I had a convention I was a vendor at. On May 6th, we got to stay home the entire weekend, but the weekend after that, hubby traveled for work. And the weekend after that was a family get-together. After that week was my nephew’s graduation, and the next will be his graduation party. And finally, the weekend after is another graduation. Then it’s back to Mississippi until July 8th. I AM TIRED. A cherry on top of 2023 is my uncle had a heart attack, so thoughts for him, please. from Imgflip Meme Generator It’s no wonder I haven’t really written anything new in terms of stories. Some 200-word flash fiction, but mostly, I have been editing. I feel like

Insecure Writer's Support Group: I thought about writing!

My father-in-law passed last month from cancer so my writing came to a screeching halt. But earlier this week I had a thought. Maybe I'll get to write. I've never been so excited about a thought. I don't know how much writing I'll get in. There are still plenty of things to get sorted with my father-in-law's belongings. But it's nice to know that things are calming and I'm getting closer to writing again. Now, I just need to remember how to do it! Today's post was part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group . Created by the ninja captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh, it's a group for the writers (AKA all of us) struggling with insecurity to gather and discuss our fears or to celebrate writing victors. If you are a struggling writer or need encouragement and friendship, join us. (Someone might have cookies!)   Remember to visit the co-hosts and give them a shout-out for helping. Jemima Pett , Nancy Gideon , and Natalie Aguirre !