Insecure Writer's Support Group: The Waves of Grief Are Shrinking
September 6th question:
When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?
I want to say I discovered the IWSG a year after it was created. I’m fairly certain I wasn’t there from the very start, but pretty damn close. I love this group. You’ve lifted me up and helped me through my insecurities so many times. You’ve come out in droves to help me spread the word about my books.
You seriously rock.
I am utterly grateful to Alex for creating it, and I am happy it is still going strong 12 years later.
My last few posts for IWSG have been about the turmoil in my life due to my father-in-law’s unexpected death. We’re at the 6 month mark since it happened. I’m still not sure if I trust the rest of 2023, but moments of normalcy are creeping in.
I had MIParaCon at the end of August. What a breath of fresh air. The event went amazing. It felt so good to be there and have life feel normal once again. I was exhausted afterward, but I am an introvert.
September is looking amazing with no events or obligations. I’m tempted to say I just want to spend the entire month sleeping. I need an emotional recharge. (Hubby does too!)
But what feels even better about September is being able to consider going down to the farmer’s market and seeing about getting a spot every Wednesday. I can actually do that now if I want. Nothing is preventing me. That, alone, is such a relief.
The dark cloud of my father-in-law’s death is still hanging over us. Christmas is going to be a hard one this year, and there’s still the one year anniversary of his passing to contend with, but I can see the sun’s rays peeking through. I miss him and am still upset/mad about his passing. That’s going to linger for a while, but the waves of grief are easing their intensity. I’m hopeful that each day I’ll get a little more back into the swing of my writing life.
Today's post was part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group.
Created by the ninja captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh, it's a group for writers struggling with writing insecurity (AKA all of us) to gather and discuss their fears or to celebrate writing victories. If you are a struggling writer or need encouragement and friendship, join us. (Someone might have cookies!)
Remember to visit the co-hosts and give them a shout-out for helping. Sonia Dogra, J Lenni Dorner, Pat Garcia, Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen, and Meka James!
Good luck in September! I keep thinking about selling my books at a fair or market, but I'm such an awkward and unfriendly person I can't imagine it going well. :-/
@Tyrean, I'm looking forward to the chill month
@Cathrina, He made a little person-shaped hole in our hearts for sure.
@CD, I had that thought the other day as well about my own parents. When it came to my grandma, I made peace with the fact I'd say goodbye one day, and when the time came, it definitely didn't feel as hard. Other factors helped as well. I have doubts it will be the same with my parents.
I'm glad you found the IWSG, and I found you! Now, if only my stupid blog roll would notify me of your new posts. What's the deal with that??
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