Insecure Writer's Support Group: I said make it boring!

I'm not happy with 2025.

Hubby is still out of work and his unemployment is about to run out. He's gotten 2 interviews and that was before Christmas. Since then, any resume he's sent out has been ghosted. Of course, none of that matters to the bills, (and we've cut basically all non-essential stuff) so. 

If anyone would like to buy some knitting or books, I'd be ever grateful.

Alternatively, you all buy groceries, right?

I've been using an app called Receipt Hog to earn points because every little bit helps right now. It's nice because you don't have to clip coupons like with Ibotta. If you want to check it out, they gave me a referral code and I'll get extra points.

You can check it out here.

It's my Endometriosis surgery anniversary.

I'm at 4 years now since getting my health back. It'd be nice to say I've been crushing the writing since I don't have to deal with crippling exhaustion and pain anymore, but life keeps throwing bricks at my head so I'm still sneaking what I can in.

I have been writing, so that's worth celebrating.

Mostly microfiction on my newsletter. I started a new section called Learn a Word and came out swinging with the word Krukolibidinous. I invite everyone to pop over, give it a read, and try to write your own microfiction using the word.

I'm definitely miffed that 2025 is not being boring and calm like I requested.

Today's post was part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group.

image of a lighthouse with the text Insecure Writer's Support Group

Created by the ninja captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh, it's a group for writers struggling with writing insecurity (AKA all of us) to gather and discuss their fears or to celebrate writing victories. If you are a struggling writer or need encouragement and friendship, join us. (Someone might have cookies!)

Remember to visit the co-hosts and give them a shout-out for helping. Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, and Tyrean Martinson!


Natalie Aguirre said…
I'm so sorry that you're going through such a hard time. I'm glad your health is good now. I hope your husband and you get the support you need right now and that 2025 turns into a better year for you soon.
Ugh on all the stuff you're going through! Sending positive thoughts your way and crossed fingers for improvement!
Fundy Blue said…
You have a lot on your shoulders right now. I hope you can find time to be kind to yourself. It's been my experience that life will continue throwing bricks at me, so I just duck and keep moving forward.
wishing you all the best!
Melissa said…
Being out of a job is rough. I hope things get better for you soon.
Sorry he still can't find employment! Prayers. And will go see what books I don't own of yours.
Hoping your husband finds a job soon. I sympathize on the endometriosis front. I had endometriosis and a uterus full of tiny fibroids, which meant heavy, painful periods. Fortunately, menopause has relieved me of that mess.
Anonymous said…
Anonymously Esther O'Neill, no Google account and No Signal. Hope your husband finds a job soon. Last week, I read about the UK writer who had over 5,000 rejections, then became an ebook crime writer multi-millionaire.
Sarah Foster said…
Hoping your hubby finds work soon! Glad you're still writing, though.