A Quick Test for you!

I have a question for you. Well, a few, actually.

Do you love aliens and outer space? Conspiracy theories? Science fiction stories?

But are you also: short on time? Struggling to get some reading into your busy day?

Do I sound like a cheesy sales pitch?

You don’t have to answer that. I know I do, but that’s because I have exciting book news.

I have a new book that contains all that!

Buy A Quick Test, a collection of 200-word storys today.

If you have been enjoying my 200-word stories, then A Quick Tale is the perfect book for you. 45 tales about aliens, outer space, science gone wrong, and conspiracy theories. (I’m not only about vampires.)

Each story is told in 200 words. You can read them while standing in line at the grocery store. Or picking up your kid from school. If you’re waiting to see your doctor…well…you can probably finish it then. (Seriously, why are wait times so long for a 5 minute visit?)


red button with text buy today

Did I make that big enough? I can go bigger.


red button with text buy today

I’m getting a little silly here, but I’m excited this collection is finally seeing the light of day. I meant to publish it last year, but a family death derailed everything, and I didn’t have the spare time or energy to give A Quick Test the attention it deserved.

But you want a peek in between the pages, here is a teaser.

“Anything can be improved by adding Dracula.”

I cocked an eyebrow at Jacob then glanced at the small bunny on the table. Behind me, animals huddled in cages. They were silent, as if they hoped by being still, they wouldn’t be the next experiment. Their eyes haunted me when I went home. They hadn’t asked for this, and I wished I could explain how sorry I was that they had to endure this torture.

Okay, I may be mostly about vampires if that is anything to go by. Let me try again. Here’s a snippet from one about Bigfoot.

The traps were set, and the cameras ready. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, making me alert to the faintest of sound and the tiniest movements. This time, I would not fail. I would be triumphant. Soon, everyone would know my name. They’d clamor to know my story. How did I do it?

How did I catch it and prove that Bigfoot was real?

I really hope you grab a copy today. Tomorrow works, too, in case you were wondering. 😜

If you’ve been looking for ways to get more reading in your life, these collections are perfect. A Quick Test is easy to squeeze in the minutes between the tasks on your never ending to-do list. (Or is that just my to-do list?)

I’ll say it once more, but I won’t shout in your face this time. Order your copy of A Quick Test today.

red button with text buy today.

Remember, the truth is out there and it’s waiting for you. 👽

Thank you so much for reading any of my stories.

I love writing them and sharing them with you.


Kate Larkindale said…
Best of luck with the new release!