InsecureWriter's Support Group: A Shift In FOMO

There was a time when I'd think about not being able to write because I got hit by a bus or was somehow incapacitated. Panic would grab me. I'd feel a burning fire to get writing because life is unpredictable and I may not be able to get all the stories I had inside me out. In a way, it was FOMO.

Lately, that FOMO doesn't feel the same. There isn't a panic in me anymore that I won't have time to get all my stories out. Instead, the panic is about not being able to experience life. The stories will remain in my head. They aren't going anywhere. But my chance to take hubby to the Grand Canyon? I gotta get on that before it's too late.

This shift is another thing my Endometriosis and surgery caused. Being free of that pain means I'm more able to, well, flat-out live. I don't have to schedule things around when the pain flares will hit. I'm not so exhausted that if I do go out and do something that I have to spend a few days recovering from it.

If I'm being honest, writing just doesn't feel as important anymore.

The other day I was walking home from the bank and chewing this revelation over. I thought about all I had written. How many books are under my belt.

And I felt satisfied with the number. Like, if I wanted to stop now, I'd have a nice collection to show off.

Not that I plan on stopping.

But I'm not upset I don't feel that FOMO anymore. Writing is an activity I'm doing to enrich my life. Just like taking hubby to the Grand Canyon enriches my life. (And his.)

Today's post was part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group.

image of a lighthouse with the text Insecure Writer's Support Group

Created by the ninja captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh, it's a group for writers struggling with writing insecurity (AKA all of us) to gather and discuss their fears or to celebrate writing victories. If you are a struggling writer or need encouragement and friendship, join us. (Someone might have cookies!)

Remember to visit the co-hosts and give them a shout-out for helping. Victoria Marie Lees, Kim Lajevardi, Nancy Gideon, and Cathrina Constantine!


Anonymous said…
At this point in my life, I feel the same way. If I stopped writing, I'm happy with what I accomplished. Have a good month!
Yeh on being pain free! Hope you both have a wonderful trip!
Joyana Peters said…
Happy IWSG Day! I'm not there yet on feeling I'm content with my writing output. I'm still in that hustle trying to get it all out and on the page. However, I do also feel that same hustle importance to find time to experience life and travel and all the things. Basically, I just want to do it all. If it was only that easy lol.
M.J. Fifield said…
Sounds like an excellent shift in FOMO. I hope you have a trip to the Grand Canyon planned or are planning one soon. It's an amazing experience. And you may even get some new story ideas out of it. :)
Fundy Blue said…
Absolutely go see the Grand Canyon, PJL! It's beyond amazing. I'm driven to get more writing done. I haven't accomplished all that I've wanted to do there. But, as my future time decreases, I'm driven to do more of a number of things. I'm glad that you don't have to deal with pain flares any more!
Kate said…
I still feel the urge to write, but my life just isn't allowing me the time to do it at the moment, so I'm just trying to accept that and not get mad at myself for not doing enough.
Samantha Bryant said…
To everything there is a season. @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act
Patricia JL said…
@Ano, it's a nice feeling to have.

@Madeline, the trip might get pushed back to next year given we bought a house this year. But I do plan on making it happen.

@Joyana, you'll be fine if you can find a good balance between living and writing. After all, going out and living gives great writing fodder.

@MJ, it's gonna happen. I just gotta look at our finances and bills after a few months now that we own a house and see how to make it work.

@Fundy, My grandparents took me and my siblings to the Grand Canyon when I was younger and I remember how amazing it was. Now, I want to go again because I'll have more freedom to explore as an adult.
Experiencing life is crucial for writers. Where else will we get true inspiration?
I'm so glad you are pain free!
Loni Townsend said…
Woot woot! Yay for pain free and getting to do more in life. That is awesome! It sounds like you'll get more experiences now to add to your writing, when you do write again.
Fundy Blue said…
Happy IWSG Day, PJ! I hope all is well with you!
I'm so happy to read that you are pain free!!
Yes, take your hubby to the Grand Canyon - ASAP! Enjoy the trip!

(I saw you in a pic over at Tara Tyler's blog - it's so awesome that you got to meet up with her)