Why Did This Affect Me?

I've been hanging a lot on Substack's Notes. There's a vibrant fiction community there and people share writing prompts and micro fiction. A recent friend I made, Miguel, has been posting daily prompts with 50 word stories. Lots of people join in, myself included.

The other week, Miguel posted a story.

50 word story by Miguel

Something about the lines where the character lost just punched me in the feels. I couldn't stop thinking about it. A week later, it was still on my mind, and I restacked it and said the story was living rent-free in my head. I wanted this fictional character to have a happy ending.

Miguel, after some prompting with an awkward stare gif, delivered a new ending for the character.

short story by Miguel

I lost my shit.

That new ended hit me in the feels harder. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for the ending, but I was also bawling like a baby at it. And I was asking, Why?

Why did this story affect me so much?

Lately, I've been grappling with the feel of being a failure. Made more poignant by the fact I announced my next book was available for pre-order to the sound of crickets. When I showed my two besties, they hit like.

And that was it.

No congrats. Didn't order. Just a like and then the conversation moved on. Other places I announced it were met with similar outcome. The excitement at having a new book fizzled pretty quickly.

I guess I saw myself in that first story. Drowning in a sea of failures. But even during those moments, I refused to just give in. I couldn't accept defeat.

That's why I wanted the second story so badly. I see the first story happening over and over, the character despairing at each loss and fearing he will never win. Until he found the strength to say no. And even though he has a long road ahead, that didn't matter. He had already won just by taking that first step.

I needed the reminder to never let the failures get me down. (Any failures, too, not just lack luster book announcements.) I am winning because I am still going.


I can see how that got to you. I'm so sorry you got crickets for the book release. I'm going to go find your post about it. If I can help by sharing, please let me know. It's crushing to be met with neutrality about something you're excited about. I admit that I'm struggling with feeling like my current book release isn't going as well as I thought it would, and I'm trying not to let it drag me down and just persisting as if it's going great.
Kate said…
I know that feeling all too well! You put all those years into writing and editing and polishing a book, then it's out in the world and...meh.... It's getting harder and harder to make an impression, I swear. and unless you have a hearty budget for marketing and publicity (which I don't), It's close to impossible.
I feel ya! I had that same heart to heart with myself. There are so many books being published, it's like merging into freeway traffic in the middle of rush hour. But I enjoy it, so that's enough for me to keep going.

Off to check out that book, somehow I missed it myself!