Insecure Writer's Support Group: Proceed With Caution
I am happy to say my November writing break was a success. Now, I can't claim I wrote a ton of words, but the few I did get down, I felt excited about. I felt excited for writing. That tells me the recharge was needed. Which is funny because I really resisted doing it. I felt bad for wanting to hit pause. That was because a mixture of pressure from myself and outside pressure. Mind you, know one was pestering me to write, but listing to others talk about writing made me feel pressure to keep at it too. It was like a fear of being accused of not actually being a writer because I took a break. I feel like that is a big problem online, too. We see others doing the thing we do and seeming to do it well, so when we don't stack up, we start guilting ourselves or impostor syndrome kicks in. We often need a constant reminder to not do that. I guess it's because the thing we might be taking a break from is something we are passionate about. We don't like the idea that, yes, we ...